WeaponData { "MaxPlayerSpeed" "245" "WeaponType" "SubMachinegun" "FullAuto" 1 "WeaponPrice" "2350" "WeaponArmorRatio" "1.5" "CrosshairMinDistance" "7" "CrosshairDeltaDistance" "3" "Team" "ANY" "BuiltRightHanded" "0" "PlayerAnimationExtension" "p90" "MuzzleFlashScale" "1.2" "MuzzleFlashStyle" "CS_MUZZLEFLASH_X" "CanEquipWithShield" "0" // Weapon characteristics: "Penetration" "1" "Damage" "26" "Range" "4096" "RangeModifier" "0.84" "Bullets" "1" "CycleTime" "0.07" "AccuracyQuadratic" "1" "AccuracyDivisor" "175" "AccuracyOffset" "0.45" "MaxInaccuracy" "1.0" "TimeToIdle" "2" "IdleInterval" "20" // New accuracy model parameters "Spread" 0.00100 "InaccuracyCrouch" 0.01463 "InaccuracyStand" 0.01951 "InaccuracyJump" 0.16494 "InaccuracyLand" 0.03299 "InaccuracyLadder" 0.04124 "InaccuracyFire" 0.00732 "InaccuracyMove" 0.01062 "RecoveryTimeCrouch" 0.23289 "RecoveryTimeStand" 0.32605 // Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs. "printname" "#Cstrike_WPNHUD_P90" "viewmodel" "models/weapons/v_smg_p90.mdl" "playermodel" "models/weapons/w_smg_p90.mdl" "anim_prefix" "anim" "bucket" "0" "bucket_position" "0" "clip_size" "50" "primary_ammo" "BULLET_PLAYER_57MM" "secondary_ammo" "None" "weight" "26" "item_flags" "0" // Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds) SoundData { //"reload" "Default.Reload" //"empty" "Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle" "single_shot" "Weapon_P90.Single" } // Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL. TextureData { "weapon" { "font" "CSweaponsSmall" "character" "M" } "weapon_s" { "font" "CSweapons" "character" "M" } "ammo" { "font" "CSTypeDeath" "character" "S" } "crosshair" { "file" "sprites/crosshairs" "x" "0" "y" "48" "width" "24" "height" "24" } "autoaim" { "file" "sprites/crosshairs" "x" "0" "y" "48" "width" "24" "height" "24" } } ModelBounds { Viewmodel { Mins "-8 -3 -13" Maxs "19 9 -1" } World { Mins "-8 -1 -3" Maxs "14 3 9" } } }